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Children of the Slum


Over 200 children served



Millions of children in global slum communities face severe challenges, including overcrowded and unsafe living conditions, poor access to clean water and sanitation, and limited healthcare. Education is often compromised, with many children unable to attend quality schools or forced into labor. These environments can lead to social exclusion and psychological difficulties. Addressing these issues requires comprehensive solutions that improve living standards, health access, and educational opportunities in these communities.

How We Solve This Problem

The “Children of the Slum” initiative by Bread of Hope focuses on amplifying the voices of children in slums, IDP camps, and streets. It uses media like documentaries and YouTube series to highlight their stories and educate the global community about these children’s challenges. The initiative also includes art, dance, music, writing, and acting programs to develop and empower the children’s talents. By immersing the public in the lives of slum dwellers, “Children of the Slum” aims to inspire change and foster a deeper understanding and empathy towards these communities. We also provide support to small organizations working within those communities. 

Join our on-ground teams and experience firsthand the joy of making a difference.

Our mission

We are dedicated to transforming the lives of children living in slum communities around the world. Our mission is to educate, empower, and inspire change.

Impact stories

Last year, we took 200 children living in the slums of Makoko, Lagos, to the movies, to get pizza and ice cream, and to the park for the first time.


Whether you can offer educational skills, medical knowledge, financial donation, or just your time and compassion, your contribution is invaluable.

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